Thursday, June 21, 2012


Febraury 23 to March 6 , 1836,
June 21 2012 : TRIAL , ANDERS B.B. , FACE TO HIS EXECUTIONER , RESIST ! : '' You , you the Judges ! And you filthy European people breed , anal fucked without petroleum jelly !( Justement , Avortement de la Nanture fermez vos cuisses ! Et ouvrez bien votre petit trou du cul de l'anus !!! ) . You the medieval lower breed of nearly 300 million of People : pieces of shit defecate by suffered , hard , strong energy . You the European , you did live someone your citizens , worst , Worst of your cats and dogs allowed or rejected ! ...YOU ONLY YOU ! YOU , YOU ARE THE MADS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I, I have 156 Q.I. ! You have nothing in your slips ! Nothing ! Miserable breed like 4/4 of France ! 4/4 of Italy ! 4/4 of England ! 4/4 of Sweden ! And others yellow stars in a flag blue sky !!! Crap , crap , crap !!!! ..._( People , Police , Judges were/are saws & pigs , saws & pigs must live beetween the saws & pigs , saws & pigs must be eat by saws & pigs !!! ( from the Millennium episode : The Judge , remastereizeid by CeSorb Author )..._ YOU , you have the FRENCH Troubles Obsesionals Compulsive T.O.C. , and you have never payed with only , only one day of prison , only one day of Psychiatric Hospital !!!!!!! Cared , like the French people by a French Psy but immigrate from Portugal , Spain , Marocco , South Latino America as : Argentina , Colombia , Mexico , Room 00 Nationality , etc. , with goggles as an Egypt's Old Gay Momie !!! YOU HAVE TO PUT YOUR HEAD IN THE WATER CLOSED AND TO PULL THE CHAIN ; YEAH , YOU MUST DO IT '' [ link from 9hAM , 21 June ]...This AutoAndersSelfPlea is susceptible to be extended before the Final Verdict , August month , against Anders B.B. convicted of Massacre/Justice... An eyes for an eyes , a tooth for a tooth , a Promises is a Cesorb Promises : '' European breeds don't sleep quite !!! '' Vous avez lu ici , race inferieure Française , sale gueules cocktails/compote de coullies de Nanterre , Hauts-de-Seine et ailleurs ?!?__ Ping the blog and Don't forget Fort Alamo , Texas , year 1836 !___ { CeSORB H.W.A. } _