Thursday, May 13, 2010


Europe,Euros,E.O.W... All and others going hang or better going fuck-off ( Vaffanculo !)_ Economic,or Gouvernements crisis,euros crisis ... after Greece maybe Portugal, after,is possible, Spain...and tomorrow, Why Not ! (We Hope...!) Paris & Suburbs without "fares-cunt" and without cum, and after their cousins : Italy ! Every where,every time : all fucked without petroleum jelly ! Euros,Trades,Traders and trading,Volcano of Iceland , Oil spill of Mexico Sea Gulf,religion pedo-X-file,Airbus flys,anywhere,anytime all was faked,all is faked,all crashing down,all will be fucked !?! ( Tutti affanculo ! Oh my goodness !!!,not cousin of Elliot Ness !)_Waiting, explaining URLS, listen this song,it was never faked : Lonesome Billy (by Peter Tevis & Ennio Morricone), Remasterezeid by Peter Shea tenor & Peter Blanchette guitar ( Soundtrack from Guns Don't Argue/YOUTUBE)_____// Here,found Urls,without scare no fear,not complacency,no mercy,because my subcribers are fearless men // David ex Maggie Devil Face & Nick new Robin Hood Improbable Deal & Union Trade Gouvernement__ Europe = Commentary by Caroline Baum of Bloomberg.com__ Oil Spill : The price and who pays after?__ In Vinho Verde praying for priests,with passion without cucumber__ One survivor :he'll watch World Cup Football 2010 from Johannesburg to TV__ Iceland Volcano Causing Travel Fucked Nightmare...Better ! Volcano is A Gringo Like Me ! It don't walk fucked Avenue of Champs Elysees's Paris !__ Swedish Cartoonist Attacked by Ara-Bees : All Fucked ! (Video)__